The story continues...After I dropped off the commission to "Grandma Purdy" her son Dwight and wife Barbara wanted to view the pieces I had taken with me to the event at Ardiri Winery and Vineyards. I knew one painting in particular would
be perfect for their master bedroom. It had all the right colors -- lots of browns and golds with accents of burgundy. I remembered their bedroom color scheme from a past visit, and actually painted "Tuscan Fall" with that in mind. It was a perfect fit! We all knew it the moment we hung the painting on the wall. After 21 years of enduring a bare wall...the Purdy's now have something beautiful to look at every day. That makes me happy!
This is a view of their living room. The Purdy's commissioned their first painting from me last September -- a Tuscan villa in a field of sunflowers. What a beautiful room! You see the painting the moment you walk through the front door. I love the lighting they have illuminating the artwork. That always makes such a big impact--especially with my vibrant, highly textured work.
Labels: sunflower commission, thick texture art, tuscan art, tuscan vineyard