Aspen Painting sold from Magazine!

American Art Collector is a magazine known for providing collectors with the hottest new trends in the market. It contains articles that emphasize mainstream art by today's favorite living artists and provides collectors with a pulse of what galleries are showing nationwide each month. It's a fantastic publication and I've advertised frequently with them. Just this past month, I received a call from a collector who had seen one of my paintings in February's issue. He had just received the magazine in the mail that very morning, and my painting, "Morning Stroll" caught his eye. It was the perfect piece for his mantel. He called to inquire how he could purchase the piece. I was pleasantly surprised. It's not often you sell a painting straight out of a magazine--sight unseen! I arranged for the painting to be shipped straight to his home that very week. The client had a big Super Bowl party coming up, and he was hoping he could get the painting in time. It all worked out and these are the pictures he sent me back after he received the piece. Wow! It really does look fantastic in that spot. The next month, this picture appeared in the "Sold!" section of the magazine.

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