An inside look into the career of aspen artist Jennifer Vranes
Friday, September 25, 2009
Gallery Show/ VH1 Event in Aspen, CO
One of my best Galleries is in Aspen. We are a perfect team, because one of my favorite series to paint happens to be Aspen trees! This year, my husband and I decided to go to Colorado for a week to celebrate our 11th Wedding Anniversary, and take pictures of all the beautiful changing Fall colors! When my Gallery in Aspen heard we were coming, they decided to host an artist reception for me. VH1 is currently filming a new Reality T.V. show in Aspen, and they heard about the Gallery event and decided to film one of their episodes at the reception! It was very fun. Here are a few pics! It was interesting to see the 'behind the scenes' of a Reality Show. I had to sign all of these waivers so my paintings (and myself) could be aired on T.V. Uh, that was a no brainer. Sure you can show me on VH1! What artist wouldn't want a little free publicity on national Television?! :)
I must admit, it was rather strange having two cameras in my face and boom mics overhead...and act natural! I just pretended they weren't there, and gave the ladies a little spiel on my art process. They feigned some interest...and then it was on to other hot topics, like who was that boy someone hooked up with the night before?! :)
Group picture of the Reality Show's Actresses and Friends. I guess we'll know more about them in January when the show airs. Apparently, the producers are so optimistic about the show...that they've already signed a contract for a second season--even before the first has aired! I for one, will be tuning in every week! :)
Just hanging out with the divas! :)
A little bit of drama unfolded (in front of my paintings!) as two of the actresses (infamous for not getting along!) had a bit of a spat! This lasted for over an hour! I'm sure it will be good T.V.!
Ben is a character! He's the token gay guy on the show, and is super hilarious. Someone brought in a parrot and Ben and the bird instantly became the center of attention; that is, until the Gallery owner made him take it out!
This is one of the Collectors who bought a painting that night. A really nice guy! You'd never guess that this man owns his own island! :)
This is the staff at the Gallery. These are the guys who sell my work! They are an amazing sales team. It was really fun getting to know them all better this weekend.
After the Reception/ Show...we had a late night dinner. The food was exceptional. Aspen has really amazing restaurants, and every night we were there, the Gallery took us out to their favorite places.
This is my latest piece. I love painting this if one is lying on his back looking up through the trees--into the perfect sky. It brings back a sense of nostalgia. I shipped this painting out today to Royal Street Gallery in Aspen, CO. They are putting on an artist show for me this weekend, and I'm heading out a few days early to capture the leaves changing colors. I plan on taking thousands of photos that I will later turn into fabulous paintings! I'm very excited. My husband, Matt, is coming too...and we'll be celebrating our 11th Wedding Anniversary in Aspen. We fly out 4 a.m. tomorrow...better get to bed!
like brilliant and vibrant are often used to describe the contemporary
paintings of Jennifer Vranes. With her extreme texture, and colors just
brighter than reality, Vranes’ paintings capture an intense energy that
is both positive and uplifting.
An extensive world traveler, Vranes gets her inspiration from places she
has seen from all over the world. Through
her art, she transports the viewer to distant lands where poppies grow wildly
in breathtaking meadows; where fragrant Lavender is farmed in lush rows in
France; where aspens quake in the Rocky Mountains. Vranes
finds the secret utopias that often go unnoticed, and she captures it on
canvas for the world to enjoy.
The paintings
of Jennifer Vranes are celebrations of life on canvas! They are a tribute
to the beautiful world in which we live. Through her wonderful and unique
works of art, she brings joy to the homes and lives of collectors all over
the world.