Remember this commission? A few months ago, Barbara and Walter
Schwamb commissioned me to do a 36" x 42" lavender painting for their home. They had admired my work in the home of a their friends (collectors Jim and Caroline
Nudelman from Corpus Christi, TX,) and wanted a painting of their own! If you look closely, you can barely see two girls (their daughters) walking arm in arm down the field of lavender.
Gallivanting a few paces in front of them is "Ozzy" the family dog.

Barb and Walter loved the result! This is what Barb had to say when I emailed her a picture for her final approval before I shipped the painting out:
Jen,Just got back from Wimberley, and opened your email.....and I LOVE THIS PAINTING!!!! I am so psyched!!!! It really is perfect. I am so thrilled with the commission piece ~ thank you so very much....I can't wait to bond with it in person!!!Barb That was a few months ago. Recently, Barb emailed me a few pictures of the painting hanging in their home! That is always such a treat for me to see! They decided to get creative with the "frame". Instead of "framing" it the traditional way (or leaving the painting "unframed" as most do with my work), they painted a frame around the painting directly on the wall. I think it turned out pretty neat! See below...

Barb also tells me that they plan on installing special lighting to better illuminate the painting. That is always a great idea--especially with my thick texture! Light will bounce off the thick layers, and really "pop". It will be the "WOW" factor for any room. It was a treat to see these pics..but the best part of all was seeing the faces of the dear collectors who commissioned the painting! I've never met them in real life, so seeing Barb and Walter standing in front of my lavender field was a pretty neat!
Labels: aspen commission, France, lavender fields, lighting a painting, portraits, Provence
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