Aspens in Fall--triptych

This was the response of Barbara when I emailed her a picture of the paintings for her approval:
It's absolutely beautiful and 100% perfect! I know the print can't do it justice, because of the "depth" you're able to put into your paintings, so I know it'll be even more beautiful in "real life!!" I am so excited. I'll e-mail you as soon as Coke gives his "seal of approval." He's not here right now but I expect him shortly.
You'll be hearing from me shortly,
"It's fantastic looking!" I guess it's very safe to say Coke loves it, too! First thing he actually said was, "When can we get it?!"
Thanks so much,
Labels: aspen commission, aspens in autumn, palette knife, thick texture on canvas, triptych
Jen, I just wanted you to know that I stopped by and am enjoying your art and the stories behind each piece. Wow.....
I'm a fan! Your biggest fan. Getting bigger every day, what with the hubbie gone now. Cry. Eat. Cry. Eat. Cry. Look at Jen's paintings. Smile. I feel better.
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